What is Leadership
What comes to your mind when you hear the word leadership? Or when you are tasked to lead? I don’t know about you, but when I hear the word leadership most of the time I switch off because I know it has nothing to do with me. I have always thought that I am just good at following and not leading. Well, Jesus said, follow me and I will make you. I am that guy who is being made and it seems ok.
The question is what am I becoming when I am being made? The truth is that if you are a good follower then you ought to become like your leader. Wait a minute, where is this conversation leading us too? Yes, if you are following a leader, then you are becoming a leader. Boom! I just became what I was avoiding to become, and that’s the story of my life. In today’s social media age, many are looking for followers. I wonder if the understanding behind gaining followers is that you are leading them somewhere, otherwise there is no need for followers. Leadership is more of giving directions than self gain.
Are you a Leader?
Why am I talking about Leadership? Well, I am learning to become one and it seems inevitable to avoid that path. Since you are already here, let me share a thing or two about what I have been learning so far. I have always thought that a leader is a high profile, powerful person but the truth is everybody is meant to be a leader whether you consciously know it or not.
Leadership is in our DNA, God created us in His image and likeness so that we may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground – Ref Genesis 1:26.
Rulership and leadership are in the same Whatsapp. When you think about it you influence people whether intentionally or unintentionally, siblings more often than not emulate their siblings especially the older one who is emulated by the younger ones. I remember when I was young I never used to eat cooked tomatoes and if you ask me why, the only answer I have is that because my sister never ate them and my logical conclusion was that it was wise to follow suit.
Great Qualities of an Effective Leader
Now that we have a little understanding that you and I are leaders then we ought to start to be intentional leaders. So where do we start? The starting point is to understand some of the qualities of a good leader. In my journey of becoming a leader, I have learnt that a good leader ought to have the following qualities:
- Integrity: Leaders must be honest, ethical, and trustworthy. Their actions must align with their words, building trust and respect among their followers. When you give your word as a leader you go by it. You must stand for your values which simply implies that your value systems should be unshakable.
- Visionary: As a leader you must be leading people somewhere. It is therefore important for a leader to have a vision. Simply put, having a vision is the ability to see the bigger picture and inspire others to work towards that bigger picture. Without vision, people perish ref Proverbs 29:18. It is essential for a leader to have vision, otherwise where are you leading the people? Having a vision is not enough, you need to influence people towards your vision. Cast your vision to the people and have action plans towards realizing the vision.
- Effective Communicator: Effective communication is paramount especially when it comes to sharing your vision. Leaders must articulate their vision clearly, listen actively, and foster open dialogue. Actively listen and act on what you have heard.
- Empowerment: Leaders must be able to empower others by delegating responsibilities, providing support, and fostering growth for the people you lead. By doing this, you are giving the people you lead an opportunity to become leaders.
- Mentorship: This simply means the act of intentionally pouring yourself into the people you are leading. Guiding and developing future leaders is crucial for sustaining a vision and advancing it.
- Accountability: Leaders must take responsibility for their actions.
- Strategic Thinking: Leaders must be able to analyze situations, identify opportunities, and develop effective strategies towards realizing the vision. Remember leadership is more about the vision and attaining it.
- Continuous Learning: The best leaders are lifelong learners, constantly seeking new knowledge and skills. You must be able to learn and unlearn.
These are just but some of the qualities that I am learning about leadership. Learning is not sufficient but implementing what I have learnt is more like it for a leader.
Here are some books that can help you learn more about leadership
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Click Here to View all John Maxwell’s Leadership Books
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